Three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). These three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO are the most critical aspect of SEO is keyword research.

By understanding what people search for on the web and the intent behind those searches, website owners and SEO professionals can identify the right keywords to target and create content that meets user needs. However, not all keywords are created equal. To achieve the best results in SEO, it is essential to consider the following three key factors when evaluating keywords.

My Thoughts about SEO

In my three years of experience, I understood the whole scenario about these three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO. Many people just mention like search it on Semrush and Ahref, & another free tool like Wordstream. But the actual thing is completely different. Although these tools are really helpful, but finding the right keyword isn’t the end of getting a higher-ranking keyword.

There are many other things to point out while searching for good keywords for your website or niche. Grab a cup of Coffee and have a look at my article because I’m going to show you and teach you with examples and with practical knowledge.

Here are Three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO

1. Search Volume

The first thing to consider when evaluating keywords for SEO is search volume. Search volume refers to the number of searches made on a particular keyword over a given period. Generally, high search volume keywords are more competitive, while low search volume keywords are less competitive.

This is an example of low keyword search volume. You can use any tool to research low-volume keywords. I have already made an article on the Top 7 Freelancer Search Engine Optimization Tools in 2023 that is really helpful for you while Evaluating Keywords for SEO. For example, if I search for “Digital Marketing”.

Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO - Softinns

These types of keywords are difficult to rank on Google as you can see there are already high-authority websites ranking on Google. You can’t compete with them.

High-competition keywords may be challenging to rank for, especially for new websites, while low-competition keywords may help you to drive traffic to your website. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between search volume and competition. Ideally, you want to target keywords with a reasonable search volume and low competition.

A question comes to mind how much volume is good for a keyword? Well, the answer is. It should be no more than 250-300 Search Volumes if you are a beginner.  And Keyword difficulty should be between 0-14. Let me show you another example.

What are three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO

These Keywords are easy to rank if you write a high-quality article on this keyword.

2. Relevance

The second factor to consider when evaluating keywords for SEO is relevance. Relevance refers to how well a keyword aligns with your website’s content and the user’s intent. When choosing keywords, it is crucial to ensure that they are relevant to your website’s niche and the content you plan to create.

If the keyword is not relevant, you may attract the wrong audience to your website, resulting in high bounce rates and low engagement. Additionally, search engines may penalize your website if they detect irrelevant content, leading to lower rankings and less visibility.

Let me understand you an example. If I have about “how to do weight loss” this is my micro niche.  If I try to search keywords that are different from my topic or Niche for example “how to cure diabetes” and I try to create articles on this topic in my weight loss niche then seriously it won’t work it’s a kind of wasting time and money as well.

So always do research on the same topic and relevant keyword research.

3. Intent

The third factor to consider when evaluating keywords for SEO is intent. Intent refers to the user’s intention behind the search query. There are generally four types of user intent: informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial investigation. Informational queries are made when a user is looking for information on a particular topic that is related to How, what, when, and Can.

Navigational queries are made when a user is looking for a specific website. Now, what are navigational queries in SEO? Simple! It means when a user wants to search for a specific site for example any brand site.

Transactional queries are made when a user is ready to purchase a product or service. What are transactional keywords examples: “a user already knows about a particular product and wants to look for some cheap, purchase, discount” these types of queries are called Transactional queries.

The last one is Commercial investigation queries are made when a user is researching a product or service before making a purchase decision. Understanding the user’s intent behind a search query is crucial when selecting keywords. You want to ensure that your website’s content aligns with the user’s intent to provide a positive user experience.

For example; If I’m a user and I want to search for a product and I want the “best” one. So I’ll find the best SEO keywords OR Best tools for SEO. Or I might be looking for a comparison between two products like Sermush vs Ahref which one is best for SEO.

So, these were three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO. I hope you understood my points in fact the practical knowledge to understand keywords research for SEO.


Keyword research is a critical component of SEO, and selecting the right keywords can make or break your SEO strategy. When evaluating keywords for SEO, it is essential to consider search volume, relevance, and intent. By finding the right balance between these three factors, you can identify the best keywords to target and create content that meets user needs and drives traffic to your website.

I’m sure if you act on these three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO.


Why is search volume important when evaluating keywords for SEO?

Search volume is essential because it indicates how many people are searching for a particular keyword. Generally, keywords with high search volumes are more competitive, making it challenging to rank for them. Make sure your keyword volume should be 250-300 max for a newbie.

How can I ensure that the keywords I select are relevant to my website?

To ensure that the keywords you select are relevant to your website, you need to understand your website’s niche and the content you plan to create. You should select keywords that align with your website’s content and are relevant to your target audience.

Why is understanding user intent crucial when selecting keywords?

Understanding user intent is crucial when selecting keywords because it helps you to get the right audience to your topic. So always research what people are looking for which should be relevant to your niche.

Do these three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO work?

Yes, definitely it works. If you opt my these three Key Considerations When Evaluating Keywords for SEO, you’ll get successful.


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