Humanizing AI-Generated Text: 4 Very Unique and Proven Methods

Are you finding working methods to make your text/ article like a human written? Explore my proven methods of Humanizing AI-generated text with AI-FREE Tools.

If you are a blogger or you are going to start a blog website and you are looking for SEO-optimized human return articles for your website then you have to write articles daily or you need to hire a writer who writes for your blogger. But I know it’s really hard for a writer if you are going to begin this blogging journey. When I started my first blog I was out of budget and I couldn’t afford a writer and that time chat GPT hadn’t launched. I used it to write the articles for my blog website.

But one charge GPT was launched I started generating articles using the 4 GPT model. But you know Google is very strict about AI-written content because it’s not updated and also does not provide user-friendly answers. So I started to do human value addition in the content and you know what I got lots of results on my blog website. That’s why I am here to provide the solution and I’ll give you my unique methods to Humanizing AI-Generated Text.

Does AI generated Text helpful?

AI-generated text often lacks the personal touch that human-authored content effortlessly provides. It’s crucial to grasp the nuances of machine-generated language. Also, google is clearly said that we’re not against with AI content but it is unusable without giving it human touch and adding value addition.

Google’s guidance for authors thinking about using AI-generation

As previously said, regardless of the format used, content creators hoping to rank well in Google Search should focus on creating unique, excellent, user-focused material that embodies the E-E-A-T attributes. Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness are the acronyms for E-E-A-T. Experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness are represented by the acronym E-E-A-T. Google uses it as a framework to evaluate the caliber of information on web pages.

Creators can learn more about the E-E-A-T idea for creators. Furthermore, we have included some guidelines to that page about how to think about the Who, How, and Why of content production. Whether or whether you use AI-generated material, evaluating your content in this way will help you stay in line with what our algorithms look for and reward.

Does AI Content violate Google Search policies?

Utilizing automation and AI appropriately is not against Google’s policies. This indicates that it does not create material solely to manipulate search rankings, which is prohibited by our spam standards. So, Add human value addition it that content.

Following are Unique ways to Humanize AI-generated articles:

There are many AI Text Converter tools available but not all of them are free and workable. That’s why I finalized the following tools for AI Text Converter:

1. Using AI to Human Text Converters

These are authentic Tools for humanize ai text free. Also, you can use it for chatgpt to human text converter:

a. AIToHumanTextConverter

There are many tools available that convert your AI-generated text to humanize. Following are the tools you can use for humanizing AI-generated content.

b. TextToHandwriting

Witness the magic as this tool not only converts but also transforms your AI-generated text into handwritten-like content, enhancing its appeal. It uses a simple algorithm to transform AI Content to Human written.

c. Plagiarism Remover

Humanizing text while ensuring originality. This tool not only adds a human touch but also safeguards your content from plagiarism. Plagiarism can make your content a copied. These tools change your words by removing the Plagiarism.

d. AIConverterTool

An all-encompassing solution to bridge the gap between machine and human language. This tool promises to make your AI-generated text more personable.

These tools are the best ai for human text converter. So utilize it and make our content better.

2. Adding Semantic Keywords

Adding semantic keywords to an optimized article while maintaining a human touch involves a careful balance between SEO considerations and natural language use. Here’s a guide on how to achieve this:

Understand Your Audience:

Identify the primary audience for your article. Consider their interests, preferences, and the language they use. This understanding will help you incorporate semantic keywords that resonate with your readers.

Research Semantic Keywords:

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant semantic keywords. Look for terms and phrases that are closely related to your primary keywords. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can assist in finding these keywords.

Integrate Keywords Naturally:

Once you have a list of semantic keywords, integrate them into your article in a way that feels natural. Avoid keyword stuffing, as this can make the content sound robotic and negatively impact the reading experience.

Use Synonyms and Variations:

Instead of repeatedly using the same keyword, incorporate synonyms and variations. This not only helps with SEO but also contributes to the overall flow and variety of language in your article, making it more engaging for readers.

Maintain Readability:

Prioritize the readability of your content. Even with the inclusion of keywords, the text should flow smoothly and be easy to understand. Readers should not feel like they are encountering a list of keywords but rather engaging with meaningful and coherent content.

Craft Compelling Headlines and Subheadings:

Include semantic keywords in your headlines and subheadings. This not only contributes to SEO but also makes your article more scanable for readers. Well-crafted headings can entice readers to delve deeper into your content.

Write for Humans, Optimize for Search Engines:

While SEO is crucial, remember that your primary audience is human readers. Write content that addresses their needs, provides value, and maintains a conversational tone. When the content is genuinely helpful, readers are more likely to stay engaged.

Proofread and Edit:

After integrating semantic keywords, thoroughly proofread and edit your article. Ensure that the keywords enhance the content rather than disrupt it. Address any awkward phrasing or forced keyword placement during the editing process.

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3. Rewriting it using the Following methods and Free Tools

Rewriting an article generated by AI can be a valuable strategy for bloggers aiming to humanize the text. While AI-generated content has advanced significantly, it may lack the personal touch and nuanced understanding that a human writer can provide. Here are several reasons why rewriting can enhance the quality and appeal of AI-generated articles:

Adding a Personal Touch:

Human writers can infuse articles with personal experiences, anecdotes, and emotions, making the content more relatable to readers. This personal touch helps in establishing a connection between the writer and the audience.

Tailoring to the Blog’s Voice:

Every blog has its unique voice and style. By rewriting AI-generated content, bloggers can ensure that the article aligns with the blog’s tone, language, and overall style, maintaining consistency and authenticity.

Addressing Cultural Sensitivities:

AI may not always grasp the cultural nuances or sensitivities required for a specific audience. Human writers can fine-tune the content to ensure it is culturally appropriate and resonates with the target readership.

Optimizing for SEO:

Human writers can optimize the content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords naturally. They can also structure the article in a way that enhances readability and improves SEO performance, which is crucial for a blog’s visibility.

Ensuring Coherence and Flow:

While AI can generate coherent sentences, the overall flow and structure of an article may still benefit from human intervention. Writers can organize information logically, create smooth transitions between paragraphs, and ensure a clear and engaging narrative.

Adding Creativity and Innovation:

Creativity is a human trait that can significantly enhance content. Bloggers can inject creativity into the AI-generated material, introducing fresh ideas, unique perspectives, and innovative solutions that may be challenging for AI to generate on its own.

Double-Checking Facts and References:

AI relies on existing data, but it may not always be up-to-date or accurate. Human writers can fact-check and update information, ensuring the reliability of the content and building trust with readers.

Engaging with Readers:

Following are FREE Tools to Rewrite an article to make it Humanized:

a. Quillbot:

Quillbot is a smart solution for rephrasing content intelligently. It adds a human touch to your writing while preserving the core message. By using Quillbot, bloggers can ensure that their AI-generated content is not only grammatically sound but also resonates with readers on a more personal level.

b. WordHero:

Transform your AI-generated text into a literary masterpiece with WordHero. This tool is specifically designed to elevate the readability of your content and infuse it with a personal touch. WordHero empowers bloggers to go beyond the limitations of AI and craft articles that engage and connect with their audience.

c. WordAI:

This tool seamlessly transforms content, making it sound more human without compromising the original meaning. Bloggers can leverage WordAI to enhance the overall quality of their articles, striking a balance between the efficiency of AI and the nuanced expression of human language.

d. Grammarly:

More than just a grammar checker, Grammarly offers rewriting suggestions that breathe life into AI-generated text. By incorporating Grammarly into the writing process, bloggers can ensure that their content not only adheres to grammatical standards but also sounds like it’s authentically crafted by a human. Grammarly’s intuitive suggestions contribute to the creation of engaging and relatable content for a broader audience.

e. ClickUp

ClickUp AI guarantees that your demands for high-quality material are satisfied. It is perfect for brainstorming, grammar checking, copy editing, and content research. You may see your ongoing work in a customizable way thanks to its real-time reporting dashboard. No Cost Ever

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4. Adding Your Personal Human Touch to AI Generated Text

Adding human element in AI-generated content is crucial for creating engaging and relatable material. The following are the ultimate keys to humanizing AI-generated text:

1. Share Personal Experiences: Injecting anecdotes and personal experiences into your content adds a layer of authenticity and relatability. Readers connect more deeply when they can relate to the human experiences behind the words.

2. Use Your Voice: Don’t hesitate to express your opinions and emotions. Let your unique voice shine through in your writing. Authenticity resonates with readers, creating a genuine connection that goes beyond the words on the page.

3. Address the Reader: Transform your content into a conversation by addressing the reader directly. This approach establishes a personal connection, making readers feel like active participants in a dialogue rather than passive consumers of information.

4. Avoid Robotic Formulas: Steer clear of generic and formulaic structures. Break free from the mold and allow your creativity to flow. Experiment with different writing styles and structures to keep your content fresh and engaging. Avoiding robotic formulas ensures that your writing feels dynamic and human.

By incorporating these keys, you can transform AI-generated text into a vibrant and personal piece of communication

Final Words

So, in this article, I have shared tools that are used and these are Free AI To Human Text Converter. Humanizing AI-generated text is not just about tools and keywords; it’s about infusing your unique personality into the digital realm. By combining the power of AI converters, semantic keywords, rewriting tools, and your personal touch, you can transform artificial words into a genuine, human experience.


Is there a free AI that humanizes text?

Yes, free tools such as AIToHumanTextConverter, TextToHandwriting, Plagiarism Remover, and AIConverterTool can humanize AI-generated text without any charges.

How do you humanize AI text?

Humanize AI text by utilizing AI to human text converters, incorporating semantic keywords, and using free rewriting tools like Quillbot, WordHero, WordAI, and Grammarly. Add a personal touch through anecdotes and direct reader engagement for a more relatable experience.

How can one add a personal human touch to AI-generated text?

Sharing personal experiences, using your voice, addressing the reader directly, and avoiding robotic formulas are keys to adding a personal human touch to AI-generated text. These elements create a more engaging and relatable connection with the audience.

How can I rewrite and make it Humanized AI-generated articles?

Rewriting AI-generated articles adds a personal touch, tailors content to the blog’s voice, addresses cultural sensitivities, optimizes for SEO, ensures coherence and flow, adds creativity, and double-checks facts and references. Free tools like Quillbot, WordHero, WordAI, Grammarly, and ClickUp can aid in this process.

How can semantic keywords be integrated into AI-generated articles naturally?

To integrate semantic keywords naturally, understand your audience, conduct keyword research, use synonyms and variations, maintain readability, and craft compelling headlines. The key is to write for humans while optimizing for search engines.

What are some unique ways to humanize AI-generated articles?

Several tools can help humanize AI-generated content: AIToHumanTextConverter, TextToHandwriting, Plagiarism Remover, and AIConverterTool. Additionally, adding semantic keywords and rewriting content using tools like Quillbot, WordHero, WordAI, Grammarly, and ClickUp can contribute to a more human touch.

Are there tools available for AI to human text converter free?

There are several free tools available for converting AI text to a more human-like form. AIToHumanTextConverter, TextToHandwriting, Plagiarism Remover, and AIConverterTool are excellent options for adding a personal touch to machine-generated content without any cost. You can use these tools as a chatgpt to human text converter

Why is humanizing AI-generated text important?

AI-generated text often lacks the personal touch that human-authored content effortlessly provides. It’s crucial to grasp the nuances of machine-generated language. Google emphasizes the importance of humanizing content, as it enhances user experience and aligns with the E-A-T attributes: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.


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